ἕν οἶδα, ὅτι οὐδέν οἶδα
All I know is that I know nothing
Allegedly said by Socrates
So true, 30 years in Education, and I still feel like a kindergarten student, curious and inquisitive, questioning, interested, prying …

Personification of Spring

Tunic Decoration: Tabula (Square) with the Head of Spring, 5th – 7th centuryAD, Tapestry in multicolored Wool and Linen, 23.5 x 25 cm, the MET, NY, USA https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/444327 Christos Laskaris captures the essence of Spring in his evocative poem: ‘Διάβαζα ένα ποίημα για την άνοιξη / ...

Eros and Psyche

Eros and Psyche, Roman marble sculpture, 300 AD, after a Hellenistic, 2nd century BC original statue, Marble, Height: 1.25 m, Capitoline Museums, Rome, Italy - Photo Credit: Amalia Spiliakou, February 18, 2024, ‘Meanings’. Personifications and Allegories from Antiquity to Today Exhibition, Acropolis Museum, Athens, Gr ...

Amarna Canopic Jar

Canopic Jar with a Lid Depicting a Queen, New Kingdom, Amarna Period, Dynasty 18, reign of Akhenaten, ca. 1349–1330 BC, from Upper Egypt, Valley of the Kings, Tomb KV 55, Travertine (Egyptian alabaster), blue glass, obsidian, unidentified stone, Height of Jar and Lid: 53.2 cm, the MET, NY, USA https://www.metmuseum.or ...