Count Issepo da Porto and his son Adriano

Paolo Veronese, 1528–1588 
Portrait of Iseppo da Porto and his son Adriano, circa 1555, Oil on Canvas, 247×133 cm, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy

On Father’s Day consider the majestic, full-length portraits by Veronese, which celebrated the da Porto family, showcasing Count Issepo da Porto and his son Adriano alongside Countess Livia da Porto Thiene and her Daughter Deidamia. These paintings, originally placed in their Vicenza palace designed by Andrea Palladio, symbolize a family’s enduring connection and heritage. Just as Veronese’s art captures the richness of family life and the protection and care provided by fathers, Father’s Day allows us to honour and appreciate the fathers and father figures who have shaped our lives with their love and guidance.

Paolo Veronese, 1528–1588 
Portrait of Countess Livia da Porto Thiene and her Daughter Deidamia, 1552, Oil on Canvas, 208.40×121 mm, Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, USA
Portrait of Iseppo da Porto and his son Adriano, circa 1555, Oil on Canvas, 247×133 cm, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy

The artist who created the double portraits, Father and Son, Mother and Daughter, of the da Porta family is Paolo Veronese, born Paolo Caliari in 1528 in Verona, Italy, one of the most prominent painters of the Venetian Renaissance. Trained in the workshop of local master Antonio Badile, Veronese’s early work reflects the influence of his native city’s art and architecture. Moving to Venice in the early 1550s marked a significant turning point in his career, allowing him to immerse himself in the city’s vibrant artistic community. Known for his vivid use of colour, dynamic compositions, and grandiose themes, Veronese quickly established himself as a master of large-scale paintings, creating works that adorned palaces, churches, and public buildings. His integration of classical themes with contemporary Venetian culture, coupled with his skilful rendering of fabrics, textures, and architectural elements, distinguished him from his contemporaries and earned him widespread acclaim.

Among Veronese’s most notable achievements are his grand frescoes and altarpieces, such as the Feast in the House of Levi and the Wedding at Cana, which showcase his ability to blend narrative complexity with a sense of opulence and theatricality. His portraits, on the other hand, like those of the da Porta family, demonstrate his keen ability to capture individual character and status, further cementing his reputation as a master portraitist. Veronese’s work not only exemplified the ideals of the High Renaissance but also laid the groundwork for the Baroque movement that followed. His legacy endures through his contributions to the development of Venetian art, influencing generations of artists and securing his place in the pantheon of great Renaissance painters.

Count Issepo da Porto, a nobleman from Vicenza, and his young son Adriano, painted by Paolo Veronese around 1555, make a masterful representation of Renaissance portraiture. Veronese’s skilful use of colour, light, and composition creates a striking and intimate portrayal of the father and son duo. In the portrait, Count Issepo da Porto is depicted standing, exuding an air of authority and elegance. He is dressed in luxurious Renaissance attire, characterized by rich, very dark fabrics and elaborate details, which signify his high social status. The count’s pose is dignified, with one hand resting on his hip and the other gently placed over his son’s shoulder, establishing a sense of connection and paternal care. His facial expression is composed and confident, reflecting his stature and the responsibilities that come with his position.

Adriano, the count’s first-born son, stands beside him, dressed in similarly fine clothing, lighter in tone, that mirrors his father’s, suggesting both the boy’s noble lineage and the care taken in his upbringing. Adriano’s pose is more relaxed, illustrating a sense of affection and dependence. The interaction between the two figures conveys a tender familial bond, enhanced by Veronese’s attention to the details of their postures, expressions, clothing, and the subtle interplay of light and shadow.

The background of the painting is relatively subdued, focusing the viewer’s attention on the figures and their relationship. Veronese’s use of colour, particularly the rich, dark, and warm tones, and the meticulous rendering of textures, such as the fabrics and the skin tones, demonstrate his mastery in creating lifelike and engaging portraits. The Portrait of Count Issepo da Porto and his son Adriano not only captures the likeness of the subjects but also conveys a narrative of lineage, status, and the deep familial connection between father and son.

For a PowerPoint, titled 10 Masterpieces by Paolo Veronese, please… Check HERE!

Byzantine Ivory Caskets

Byzantine Casket with Mythological and Combat Scenes, 4th quarter of the 10th century, Ivory, 11.5×41.5×17.5 cm, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France (Photo Credit: Amalia Spiliakou, May 2023)

Byzantine Ivory Caskets, also known as covered boxes, represent exquisite examples of medieval artistry and craftsmanship. These small, intricately carved containers were crafted in the Byzantine Empire during the early medieval period, primarily between the 6th and 12th centuries. Made from luxurious materials such as ivory, these Caskets served a variety of purposes, ranging from holding religious relics to storing precious items like jewelry or cosmetics. Adorned with elaborate motifs, often depicting religious scenes, mythological figures, or intricate geometric patterns, Byzantine Ivory Caskets not only served functional roles but also conveyed the wealth, power, and artistic sophistication of the Byzantine civilization. These objects provide valuable insights into the social, cultural, and religious contexts of the Byzantine Empire.

In the present day, around 125 ivory Caskets endure, each bearing its unique journey through time and wear, with approximately 50 adorned in secular motifs. These elegant Caskets stand as a testament to Byzantine artistry, representing a remarkable legacy of secular expression preserved amidst the sands of time. Their survival marks them as the paramount example of Byzantine secular art, offering a glimpse into the aesthetic tastes and cultural nuances of an empire steeped in opulence and sophistication.

Intricately carved and made of transverse sections of elephant tusks, the Byzantine Caskets were more than mere receptacles; they were vessels of cultural significance and practical utility. Their intricate reliefs, often depicting a blend of pagan mythology and Christian iconography, hint at their multifaceted functions. Those adorned with scenes of Christ’s miraculous healings likely served as vessels for safeguarding the sacred elements of the Eucharist, underscoring their role in religious rituals and devotion. Conversely, Caskets embellished with pagan motifs might have been employed for storing personal effects like valuable documents, cosmetics or jewelry, reflecting the interplay between secular and religious spheres in Byzantine society. Though their precise origins remain elusive, scholars speculate that these Caskets were crafted in Constantinople or the Byzantine provinces of North Africa or Syria-Palestine, regions renowned for their ivory craftsmanship. Despite the enigma surrounding their provenance, Byzantine Ivory Caskets endure as tangible manifestations of the empire’s artistic prowess and spiritual fervour.

During the Byzantine period, ivory held a revered status as a symbol of luxury, prestige, and religious devotion. The Byzantines prized ivory for its exceptional beauty and workability, utilizing it in a myriad of contexts ranging from religious artefacts to secular luxury items. Ivory was extensively employed in the creation of intricate carvings, including religious icons, diptychs, and triptychs, which adorned churches, palaces, and private collections and Caskets as containers of precious secular or religious treasures. These exquisite ivory artworks served not only as expressions of faith but also as tangible manifestations of wealth and power. Furthermore, ivory was utilized in the production of practical items such as furniture inlays, game pieces, and personal accessories, reflecting its versatility and widespread appeal across various aspects of Byzantine society. The use of ivory persisted throughout the Byzantine period, leaving an indelible mark on the art, culture, and material wealth of the empire.

Byzantine Casket with Mythological and Combat Scenes, 4th quarter of the 10th century, Ivory, 11.5×41.5×17.5 cm, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France
Byzantine Casket with Mythological and Combat Scenes, 4th quarter of the 10th century, Ivory, 11.5×41.5×17.5 cm, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France

Among these remarkable artefacts, the Byzantine ivory Casket of the Musée de Cluny in Paris stands as one of my favourites. Crafted in Constantinople around the turn of the millennium, this Casket is a testament to the refined tastes of the secular elites within the court of the Macedonian dynasty. Delicately adorned with finely carved ivory panels, it depicts intricate scenes drawn from the legendary exploits of Heracles and various other tales of Greek mythology to epic battles and chariot races. Each panel is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, capturing the essence of both ancient lore and medieval life. Undoubtedly intended for domestic use within the opulent confines of aristocratic households, this Casket serves as a tangible link between the classical past and the burgeoning cultural landscape of Byzantium.

As one marvels at this masterpiece within the halls of the Cluny Museum, one cannot help but be transported back in time, envisioning the opulence and splendour of the Byzantine era.

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The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and the Goya Tapestries

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, 1746-1828
An Avenue in Andalusia or The Maja and the Cloaked Men (detail), 1777, Royal Tapestry Factory, from a Goya Cartoon, Tapestry – Wool and silk, 337×217 cm, Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Collection, Spain

On the 10th of May, I visited The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and the Goya Tapestries, among the masterpieces I was anxious to see intrigued by their unbelievable charm and allure …

Francisco Goya, renowned for his masterful paintings and prints, also delved into the realm of tapestry cartoons, creating a series of remarkable works that showcased his artistic versatility. Commissioned by the Spanish royal family, Goya produced a collection of tapestry cartoons between 1775 and 1792, intended to be transformed into large-scale tapestries to adorn the royal residences. These cartoons, characterized by their intricate detail, dynamic compositions, and vibrant storytelling, demonstrated Goya’s adeptness in translating his painterly vision into the medium of woven textiles. The tapestries created from his designs adorned the grand interiors of palaces, reflecting the royal court’s opulence and Goya’s unique ability to capture the essence of human experience through his art.

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, 1746-1828
An Avenue in Andalusia, or The Maja and the Cloaked Men, 1777, Oil on Canvas, 275×190 cm, Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain
An Avenue in Andalusia or The Maja and the Cloaked Men, 1777, Royal Tapestry Factory, from a Goya Cartoon, Tapestry – Wool and silk, 337×217 cm, Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Collection, Spain

The Cathedral Museum of Santiago de Compostela houses an exceptional collection of tapestries, originally woven at the Royal Tapestry Factory of Santa Bárbara from designs by the celebrated Francisco Goya. These tapestries, based on cartoons mostly preserved at the Prado Museum, were part of a commission by King Charles III between 1777 and 1780 intended to adorn the Royal Palace of El Pardo. The illustrious Pedro Acuña y Malvar, a canon who served as Secretary of State for Justice under King Charles IV, bequeathed these artworks to the museum upon his death in 1814. Acuña, noted for his significant art collection in Madrid, thus ensured that the Cathedral Museum became the custodian of these invaluable cultural treasures, enriching its offerings and preserving a vital piece of Spain’s artistic heritage within the sacred walls of Santiago Cathedral.

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828)Tapestries including An Avenue in Andalusia or The Maja and the Cloaked Men, Wool and silk, 337×217 cm, Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Collection, Spain – Photo Credit: Amalia Spiliakou, May 10, 2024

Francisco Goya’s artistic legacy is marked by his masterful exploration of costumbrista themes and his adept use of colour and light. His tapestries, such as The Maja and the Cloaked Men, eschew religious motifs in favour of depicting local customs and traditions. Through these works, Goya invites viewers into the vibrant world of 18th-century Andalusia, capturing the essence of everyday life with keen observation and wit. His cartoons, serving as blueprints for the tapestries, reveal his meticulous attention to detail and his ability to convey emotion through the interplay of light and shadow. Goya’s use of wool for darker hues and fine silk burlap for lighter tones further accentuates the richness of his palette, showcasing his unparalleled skill as both a painter and a storyteller.

Boys Playing Soldiers, 1777, Royal Tapestry Factory, from a Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) Cartoon, Tapestry – Wool and silk, 337×217 cm, Santiago de Compostela Cathedral Collection, Spain – Photo Credit: Amalia Spiliakou, May 10, 2024

The exhibition of Goya’s tapestries at the Cathedral Museum provides a captivating glimpse into the artist’s oeuvre and the cultural milieu of his time. Originally housed in the cathedral’s tailor’s workshop, these remarkable works were later unveiled to the public during the Corpus Christi festivities. Now, as part of the museum’s permanent collection, these tapestries are prominently displayed in dedicated rooms, offering visitors a comprehensive overview of Goya’s contributions to the art of tapestry-making. The legacy of Pedro Acuña y Malvar, who bequeathed these treasures to the cathedral, ensures that Goya’s legacy survives, providing a testament to the enduring significance of his work in shaping the artistic landscape of Spain.

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For a PowerPoint of Goya’s Tapestries in the Museum of the Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela, please… Check HERE!

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The Labours of the Months by Luca della Robbia

Luca della Robbia, 1399/1400–1482
Labours of the Months: June, 1450s, Glazed terracotta, Diameter: 57 cm, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK

…Which gives into the triumphant and lovely / study, / that has such talent and order and measure / that it represents angelic exultation, / With complete art in inlays and painting, / in perspective and carvings sublime, / and in great mastery of architecture. / There are great numbers of highly ornate books / and vases of alabaster and chalcedony / that are decorated with gold and silver. / And all things there are beautiful and good, / some by nature and others with human talent / made thus with whole perfection… This is how, in Terze Rime, the anonymous Italian 15th-century poet describes the famous studietto, created for Piero de’ Medici in the 1450s. It is the room for which the terracotta roundels of The Labours of the Months by Luca della Robbia were created to adorn the ceiling.

In the context of the Renaissance, a studietto or studiolo was a personal space, often elaborately decorated with paintings, sculptures, and frescoes that reflected its owner’s intellectual pursuits and tastes. These rooms were not just private retreats but also places to store and exhibit collections that demonstrated the owner’s wealth, power, and intellectual interests. The decoration and objects within often had symbolic meanings related to virtues, wisdom, and learning. The Medici Palace, a museum since 1974, reflects the grandeur and influence of the Medici family throughout its architecture and the art it houses. Within its walls, in the early 1450s, a studietto was created for Piero de’ Medici, unfortunately destroyed, when the Medici Palace was remodelled in the 17th century. According to Paula Nuttall… the studietto was a small, intimate room intended for study, contemplation, and display.  Here were kept the most precious objects in the Medici’s collection: costly illuminated books, classical coins, cameos and vases, medieval ivories and goldsmiths’ work, and a tiny painting by the great Netherlandish master Jan van Eyck.  Piero, who suffered from gout and was often confined indoors, is said to have taken great delight in being carried to his studietto, whiling away the hours in contemplating all these objects.

The Luca della Robbia roundels of the Labours of the Months as displayed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
The Luca della Robbia roundels of the Labours of the Months as displayed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK,_volta_dello_studiolo_di_piero_de%27_medici.JPG

Piero de Medici’s studietto ceiling, crafted by Luca della Robbia, stands as a testament to the innovative spirit of the Renaissance. Employing the much-admired tin-glazed terracotta technique that della Robbia perfected in the early 15th century, the ceiling featured twelve intricately designed roundels, each representing a different Labour of the Month. Unlike popular della Robbia relief sculptures, these roundels boast naturalistic paintings in shades of white and blue, colours achieved through an experimental method seldom replicated. The edges of each roundel are adorned with sculpted leaf patterns, subtly detailed in low relief, offering a textural contrast to the smooth, painted centers. This ceiling, decidedly ornate and uncharacteristically detailed for its time, reflected not only the artistic ambition of della Robbia but also the grandeur of the room it overseed, a fitting canopy for the collection of curiosities and treasures it sheltered.

Luca della Robbia, 1399/1400–1482
Labours of the Months, 1450s, Glazed terracotta, Diameter: 57 cm, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK

In the mid-15th century, the studietto in the Medici Palace was a marvel of Florentine artistry. These resplendent with the most worthy figures inspired awe in all who entered, as noted by the architect Filarete. This intimate chamber, adorned to stir curiosity and admiration, met an untimely demise during the palace’s 17th-century remodelling. The surviving roundels, treasures of Renaissance art, found their way into a private Italian collection before being acquired by the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1861. Today, these pieces form the heart of a reconstructed space at the V&A, meticulously designed to evoke the original studietto’s ambience!

For a PowerPoint Presentation of the 12 Labours of the Months by Luca della Robbia in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, please… Check HERE!

Bibliography: Some Unknown Descriptions of the Medici Palace in 1459 by Rab Hatfield, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 52, No. 3 (Sep. 1970), pp. 232-249 (18 pages)

The Cave of Altamira

Cave of Altamira, Paleolithic Cave Art, Santillana del Mar, Cantabria, SpainScientists believe the paintings date from c. 14,820 to 13,130 years ago
The original Cave of Altamira is closed to the public, but a Replica Cave and Museum were built nearby in 2001 by Manuel Franquelo and Sven Nebel, faithfully reproducing the Cave and its Art.
Photo Credit: Mariola Salceda

Nestled in the verdant landscapes of northern Spain, The Cave of Altamira stands as a testament to the artistic prowess and ingenuity of our prehistoric ancestors. This remarkable archaeological site often hailed as the “Sistine Chapel of Prehistoric Art,” offers a captivating glimpse into the lives and minds of the people who roamed the Earth over 20,000 years ago.

Discovered in the late 19th century, the cave’s walls are adorned with stunning depictions of bison, deer, horses, and other animals, rendered in vivid hues of red, black, and ochre. These paintings are not merely decorative, they are believed to hold significant cultural and possibly spiritual meaning for the Upper Paleolithic societies that created them.

The Cave of Altamira’s discovery is a tale of serendipity, curiosity, and a bit of luck, intertwining the lives of a local landowner and his inquisitive daughter. In 1868, Modesto Cubillas, a hunter from the Cantabrian region of Spain, stumbled upon the entrance to a cave on the estate of Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola. Though Cubillas mentioned the cave to Sautuola, it wasn’t until a decade later that its true significance was unveiled. Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, an amateur archaeologist and nobleman with a keen interest in natural history, began exploring the cave in 1875. Initially, he found nothing more than a few animal bones and flint tools, which piqued his interest but did not hint at the artistic treasure that lay within.

The breakthrough came in 1879 when Sautuola returned to the cave with his eight-year-old daughter, María. As the story goes, while her father was busy examining the cave floor, young María wandered off and looked up at the ceiling. She was the first to notice the vivid paintings of bison, which she excitedly called to her father’s attention, describing them as “painted bulls.” Sautuola was astounded by the discovery and immediately recognized the importance of the paintings. He published his findings in 1880, suggesting that the artwork was prehistoric. However, his claims were met with scepticism and ridicule by the scientific community, which doubted the authenticity of such sophisticated art being so ancient. It wasn’t until the early 20th century when other similar cave paintings were discovered across Europe, that the significance of Altamira was universally acknowledged, and the cave received the recognition it deserved.

The art discovered in the Cave of Altamira is a breathtaking collection of Paleolithic paintings and engravings, primarily featuring vivid depictions of animals such as bison, deer, horses, and wild boars. These images, rendered in red, black, and ochre pigments, showcase a remarkable understanding of perspective, movement, and naturalism, with many of the figures appearing lifelike and dynamic. The cave’s ceiling is particularly famous for its polychrome bison, which seem to leap off the rock surface, demonstrating the prehistoric artists’ advanced skill and creativity. This extraordinary art provides a profound insight into the lives, beliefs, and artistic achievements of our ancient ancestors.

In addition to its iconic animal depictions, the Cave of Altamira features non-iconic art that includes abstract shapes and handprints, adding to the cave’s enigmatic and culturally rich tapestry, and offering a different perspective on prehistoric expression. The handprints, created by placing hands against the cave wall and blowing pigment around them, result in striking negative images that convey a direct human presence from millennia ago. These stencilled hands, along with various geometric patterns and symbolic marks, suggest a complex cultural and possibly ritualistic significance. This non-iconic art complements the more detailed animal figures, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the early human artistic endeavour and providing deeper insights into the cognitive and social practices of the Upper Paleolithic inhabitants.

Today, the Cave of Altamira is celebrated as a cornerstone in the study of prehistoric art, offering invaluable insights into the creativity and cultural practices of our distant ancestors. The tale of its discovery remains a fascinating chapter in the annals of archaeology, underscoring the importance of open-mindedness and the unexpected contributions of youthful curiosity.

On the 15th of May, I was fortunate to visit The Replica Cave and Museum of Altamira with my ‘Art Group’ friends and my colleague and dear friend Mariola Salceda from the University of Saragoza… It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, a convergence of history, art, and friendship that left me utterly speechless. It was a journey through time, a profound encounter with humanity’s earliest expressions of creativity, and a moment I shall cherish forever.

For the PowerPoint on Paleolithic Cave Art in Spain, please… Check HERE!

Bibliography: and and

Pandora and Epimetheus

Attributed to El Greco – Domenikos Theotokopoulos
Pandora and Epimetheus, 1600 – 1610, Polychromed, Carved Wood, Height: 43 cm, Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain

In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on Earth. Created by the god Hephaestus at the request of Zeus, her creation was part of a divine punishment for humanity. This punishment was in retaliation for Prometheus, a Titan, who defied the gods by stealing fire and giving it to mankind. Endowed with gifts from each god and made irresistibly alluring to humans, Pandora was given in marriage to Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus. Despite warnings from Prometheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus, Epimetheus accepted her. Pandora and Epimetheus thus became the first human couple. However, disaster loomed nearby. Driven by curiosity, Pandora opened a box she was forbidden to touch and released into the world all sorrows and death-bringers. Only Hope remained, trapped under the box’s lid, narrowly missing escape when Pandora hastily closed the lid. This calamity unfolded exactly as Zeus, the cloud-gatherer, had planned. Do Pandora’s actions illustrate the profound and often unintended consequences of human curiosity and disobedience?

Domenicos Theotokopoulos, known as El Greco, was born in 1541 in Crete, which was then part of the Republic of Venice. Initially trained in the Byzantine tradition of icon painting, he moved to Venice around 1567, where he adopted elements of the Venetian Renaissance style under the influence of painters like Titian and Tintoretto. Seeking greater opportunities, El Greco relocated to Rome in 1570 and later moved to Toledo, Spain, in 1577, where he spent the remainder of his life. In Toledo, El Greco developed a distinctive style characterized by elongated figures and vibrant, expressive use of colour and light, often infused with dramatic spirituality. Despite his critical reception being mixed during his lifetime, El Greco is now celebrated as a precursor to both the Expressionist and Cubist movements, profoundly influencing the evolution of Western art. He died in 1614 in Toledo.

El Greco’s art is distinguished by its unique blend of Byzantine and Western painting traditions, resulting in a highly personal and spiritual style that pushed the boundaries of the Mannerist period. His figures are elongated and anatomically exaggerated, often imbued with a sense of spiritual intensity and inner turmoil that seems to stretch towards the divine. He used unconventional, vivid colour palettes and bold, almost expressionistic brush strokes that imbued his compositions with a dramatic, almost otherworldly quality. His treatment of light is particularly notable. It often seems to emanate from within the figures themselves, highlighting their ethereal and transcendent nature. This handling of form, colour, and light not only enhances the emotional depth and mystical atmosphere of his paintings but also foreshadows the emotional expressiveness of the Expressionist movement and the structural experimentation of Cubism, making El Greco a pivotal figure in the transition from the Renaissance ideals of harmony and proportion to the more subjective and distorted approaches of modern art.

The unique statues of Pandora and Epimetheus housed in the Prado Museum hold significant artistic and stylistic importance as they represent a rare excursion into sculpture by an artist renowned primarily for his paintings. These works are critical for understanding El Greco’s artistic language in a three-dimensional form, showcasing his ability to translate the intense emotionality and spiritual expressiveness characteristic of his paintings into sculpture. Stylistically, these statues exemplify his signature approach of elongation and dramatic posturing, traits that underscore his departure from conventional Renaissance forms and anticipate the emotional intensity of the Baroque period. The representation of such complex mythological figures in sculpture by El Greco adds a profound layer to the interpretation of his artistic legacy, demonstrating his innovative approach to volume, movement, and the human form, which challenged and expanded the aesthetic boundaries of his time.

Considering El Greco’s unique interpretive style and his known penchant for blending the spiritual with the human form, in what ways might his statues of a nude man and a nude woman be seen as symbolic representations of Pandora and Epimetheus? How do these sculptures reflect the themes of innocence, curiosity, and the inevitable consequences of human actions as depicted in the myth? …The woman removed the heavy lid of the jar with her own hands, and / driven by her own thoughts, unleashed sorrows for men, death-bringers. / Hope alone remained in its unbreakable home, / caught underneath the lip of the jar. Its escape / was only a short flight away, but, just in time, she slammed the lid down. / All according to the plan of aegis-bearing, cloud-gathering Zeus…

For a PowerPoint Presentation titled, Domenikos Theotokopoulos, 10 Masterpieces, please… Check HERE!

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The Three Ages of the Woman

Gustav Klimt, Austrian Artist, 1862–1918
The Three Ages of the Woman, 1905, Oil on Canvas, 180 × 180 cm, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome Italy

Presenting the painting The Three Ages of the Woman by Gustav Klimt is my humble contribution to Mother’s Day!

Gustav Klimt (1862–1918), an Austrian symbolist painter, was a pivotal figure in the Viennese Secession movement and a prominent member of the Art Nouveau movement. Renowned for his ornate and sensual style, Klimt’s work often explored themes of love, sexuality, and the human condition, characterized by elaborate compositions, intricate patterns, and rich symbolism. He is best known for his iconic paintings such as “The Kiss” and “The Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I.” Klimt’s artistic vision transcended conventional norms, influencing generations of artists and leaving an indelible mark on the history of art.

Gustav Klimt’s artistic style is characterized by its ornate and sensual qualities, marked by intricate patterns, rich symbolism, and a vivid colour palette. Influenced by the Art Nouveau movement and the Viennese Secession, Klimt’s works often feature decorative elements inspired by Byzantine art, Egyptian motifs, and Japanese woodblock prints. His compositions are meticulously crafted, with every detail contributing to the overall aesthetic harmony of the piece. Klimt’s exploration of themes such as love, sexuality, and the human psyche is evident in his paintings, which often depict intimate moments and the complexities of human relationships.

One of Klimt’s distinctive traits is his use of gold leaf, which he employed to stunning effect in many of his works, symbolizing spiritual and material wealth, as well as the transcendence of earthly concerns. This shimmering gold backdrop serves to elevate his subjects, lending them an otherworldly quality and reinforcing the ethereal nature of his art. Additionally, Klimt’s portrayal of the female form is notable for its sensuality and eroticism, as he often depicted women with flowing hair draped in luxurious fabrics, evoking a sense of both beauty and mystery. Overall, Klimt’s artistic characteristics reflect a profound exploration of the human experience, expressed through a visually captivating and emotionally resonant aesthetic.

Gustav Klimt’s painting The Three Ages of Woman, completed in 1905, encapsulates the artist’s exploration of life, death, and the passage of time. The painting shows a little girl in the protective arms of her mother, while beside them an old woman stands with a bowed head. The infant represents the beginning of life and the promise of new beginnings, the mature woman, lost in contemplation, symbolizes the complexities and responsibilities of adulthood, and lastly, the elderly woman, signifies the culmination of life’s journey. Depicting a woman in three distinct stages of life—youth, maturity, and old age—the painting symbolizes the cyclical nature of existence and the inevitability of mortality. Through his masterful use of colour, pattern, and symbolism, Klimt imbues the painting with a sense of timeless beauty and existential depth, inviting viewers to reflect on the fleeting nature of human existence and the enduring cycle of life and death.

Completed in 1905, Gustav Klimt’s The Three Ages of Woman swiftly gathered attention, being presented at the 2nd Exhibition of the Deutscher Kunstlerbund in Berlin the same year. Its acclaim only burgeoned when showcased at the Venice Biennale in 1910, captivating audiences with its profound symbolism and exquisite execution. Its journey continued as the painting was selected for display at the International Exhibition in Rome in 1911, where Klimt’s artistic prowess earned him the gold medal in the Austrian pavilion. Housed in the newly established National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, The Three Ages of Woman remains a testament to Klimt’s refined elegance and enduring fame, securing its place as one of the great allegorical paintings of art history.

For a PowerPoint, titled 12 Painting by Gustav Klint, please… Check HERE!


Agnus Dei by Francisco de Zurbarán

Francisco de Zurbarán, Spanish Artist,1598 – 1664
Agnus Dei, 1635 – 1640, Oil on Canvas, 37.3×62 cm, Prado Museum, Spain

The term Agnus Dei carries significance in both Christian liturgy and art, emanating from Latin to mean Lamb of God. Its usage and implications span religious, cultural, and historical contexts. The connection between Agnus Dei and Easter is central to Christian symbolism and deeply interwoven with the themes of sacrifice, redemption, and renewal inherent in the Easter celebration. The painting of Agnus Dei by Francisco de Zurbarán, is I believe one of the finest examples.

In Christian art, the Agnus Dei symbolizes Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection. This symbol is often depicted as a lamb carrying a cross or with a halo around its head, sometimes holding a flag, representing victory over death. This imagery has been a significant motif in Christian iconography since the early centuries of Christianity, appearing in mosaics, sculptures, paintings, and liturgical objects.

Francisco de Zurbarán, a Spanish painter of the Baroque period, is renowned for his deeply religious works that often depict monastic life, still lifes, and themes of Christian mysticism with a dramatic interplay of light and shadow. Zurbarán’s painting titled Agnus Dei, dating from around 1635-1640 is a fine example of his style. In this work, the artist presents a bound merino lamb between eight and twelve months old, lying on its side positioned against a dark, undefined background on top of a grey table. The lamb is presented with a remarkable degree of realism, from the texture of its wool to the serene expression on its face, despite the foreboding sense of its imminent sacrifice. This powerful image serves as a direct visual representation of the Lamb of God as referenced in Christian theology, symbolizing Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for the sins of humanity.

The elements of Zurbarán’s painting, the bound state of the lamb, and the overall somber tone evoke the Passion of Christ. The lamb, an innocent creature, becomes a poignant symbol of Christ’s submission to the crucifixion and his role as the sacrificial lamb who takes away the sins of the world. The use of chiaroscuro, or the contrast between light and dark, highlights the purity and innocence of the lamb, making it stand out against the dark background, which adds to the painting’s emotional depth and spiritual solemnity.

Zurbarán’s focus on this theme aligns with the Counter-Reformation period’s emphasis on religious renewal and the visual expression of Catholic doctrine. His works are celebrated for their ability to convey profound religious concepts with intense emotional weight and a deep sense of piety. Through his depiction of the Agnus Dei, Zurbarán invites contemplation on themes of innocence, sacrifice, and redemption, providing a visual meditation on the Christian faith and the mystery of Christ’s sacrificial love.

Francisco de Zurbarán’s engagement with the Agnus Dei theme extended beyond a singular masterpiece, manifesting in no fewer than six paintings, each with its iconographic nuances, highly sought after, presumably by private patrons. The allure of these pieces was such that in 1724, Antonio Palomino, both painter and writer, recounted the pride of an art aficionado in Seville who treasured a Zurbarán lamb, “painted from life,” more than a hundred actual sheep. The presented Museo del Prado example stands out as the epitome of Zurbarán’s artistry, marrying unparalleled technical skill, vivid descriptiveness, and poignant expressiveness with a layer of emotional depth considered unmatched by its counterparts. Art historians concur that this version emerged in the finest moment of Zurbarán’s creative period, specifically pinpointed to between 1635 and 1640, showcasing the artist at the pinnacle of his powers.

Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664), hailed from Fuente de Cantos, Extremadura, is an important figure of the Spanish Baroque period. As a painter, Zurbaráns is known for his profound religiosity, meticulous attention to detail, and masterful use of chiaroscuro. His artistic journey blossomed in Seville, where he established his workshop and became a pivotal figure in the city’s vibrant art scene, often being referred to as the ‘Spanish Caravaggio’ due to his dramatic interplay of light and shadow. His oeuvre predominantly explores themes of Christian mysticism and monastic life, with works that depict saints, martyrs, and biblical narratives imbued with a stark realism and emotional depth. Among his most celebrated works are the series for the Monastery of Guadalupe, the altarpieces for the San Pablo El Real, and his poignant renditions of the Agnus Dei. Zurbarán’s ability to blend spiritual intensity with lifelike representation won him the admiration of his contemporaries and a significant commission from King Philip IV. Despite facing financial difficulties in his later years, Zurbarán’s legacy endured, influencing not only the trajectory of Spanish art but also leaving a lasting impact on the broader tapestry of Baroque painting.

For a PowerPoint Presentation of 10 Masterpieces by Francisco de Zurbarán, please… Check HERE!

Palm Sunday – Κυριακή των Βαΐων

Ethiopian Illuminated Gospel, Palm Sunday, late 14th–early 15th century, from the Amhara region, Parchment, Wood, Tempera, Ink, 41.9 x 28.6 x 10.2 cm, the MET, NY, USA

Heartfelt wishes for the Orthodox Holy Week of Easter ahead of us, and today’s Palm Sunday – Κυριακή των Βαΐων … The next day the great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, / “Hosanna! / Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord – the King of Israel!” (John 12.12-16)

Nestled within the rugged embrace of Ethiopia’s highlands, the Amhara region emerges as a tapestry of cultural richness and natural beauty. Here, ancient traditions interlace with modern aspirations, creating a mosaic of resilience and vibrancy. From the shores of Lake Tana, where ancient monasteries guard age-old treasures, to the majestic peaks of the Simien Mountains, Amhara captivates the scholar with its diverse landscapes and rich heritage.

Within the intricate tapestry of Ethiopian history, the Amhara people emerge as custodians of a cultural legacy shaped by millennia of dynamic interaction and enduring tradition. This rich heritage finds its roots in the ancient kingdom of Aksum, where the fusion of indigenous groups, Arabian emigrants, and Alexandrian scholarship gave rise to a civilization that would shape the course of East African history. It was here, in the fertile highlands, that Christianity took root under the patronage of King Ezana, marking the dawn of a new era defined by faith and enlightenment. As the Ethiopian state expanded its influence, monasteries blossomed as centers of knowledge, beacons of learning and guardians of tradition. Through the ebb and flow of time, the Amhara people have remained steadfast in their commitment to preserving this rich cultural heritage, embodying the spirit of resilience and continuity that defines Ethiopia’s vibrant tapestry of diversity.

Within the sacred confines of the Ethiopian Orthodox Monasteries, the Gospel text reigned supreme, its words were revered as divine guidance for the faithful, and their illuminations were considered sacred windows into the divine narrative. It thus comes as no surprise that Illuminated Manuscripts were pivotal elements of Ethiopian liturgy. They were commissioned by esteemed patrons, to stand as testaments to both royal prestige and the scholarly ability of monastic scriptoria. One such Manuscript, the Ethiopian Illuminated Gospel in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum in New York, is a testament to the intertwining of faith, patronage, and artistry.

Dating back to the 14th century, at the peak of Ethiopian civilization, this opulent manuscript encapsulates the essence of Ethiopian Medieval Christian Art, bringing together Byzantine influences with indigenous flair. Within its pages, written in Classical Ethiopic or Ge’ez, this illuminated manuscript stands as one of merely thirteen manuscripts that defied the onslaught of Islamic destruction during the tumultuous 16th century. Its survival underscores its singular importance as a cherished artefact of Ethiopian heritage, preserving a vibrant chapter of artistic and religious expression.

Hailing from a monastic center nestled in the serene Tana region, the Ethiopian Manuscript unfolds as a masterpiece of illumination. Adorned with twenty full-page miniatures portraying vivid scenes from the New Testament, meticulously crafted portraits of the Evangelist, and eleven illuminated Canon Tables, this manuscript offers a captivating glimpse into the Christian narrative, meticulously rendered by the hands of at least two skilled artists. These artisans, adept in their craft, ingeniously adapted Byzantine influences into a distinctly Ethiopian style, characterized by vibrant hues and striking graphic motifs. Within its pages, figural subject matter intertwines with rich passages of abstract patterns, weaving a tapestry of spiritual and artistic expression. Delicate decorative frames, embracing illuminated pages, showcase bands of coloured lines interwoven with intricate geometric designs, each stroke a testament to the artisans’ mastery and the manuscript’s enduring allure.

My favourite scene from the New Testament is The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Inspired by the Byzantine iconographic tradition, but infused with an Ethiopian ‘twist,’ the Palm Sunday scene is rendered in the local expressive idiom. Human forms are portrayed as static and solemn, schematically rendered like pillars of faith, with lines boldly presented and colours that are warm and inviting. Blending solemnity with warmth, the Ethiopian ‘tableau’, not only captivates the viewer but also eloquently encapsulates the unique spiritual and cultural narrative of the Ethiopian Christian tradition.

For a PowerPoint inspired by the Ethiopian Illuminated Gospel in the MET, please… Check HERE!

Bibliography: page 441 and

Eros Punished

Eros Punished, 1st century AD, Fresco, 126×162.3 cm, from the House of Punished Eros in Pompeii, National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy – Photo Credit: Amalia Spiliakou, February 18, 2024, ‘Meanings’. Personifications and Allegories from Antiquity to Today Exhibition, Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece

On February 17, 2024, in Athens, attending an exceptional exhibition, titled ‘NοΗΜΑΤΑ’: Personifications and Allegories from Antiquity to Today, held at the Acropolis Museum, I came face to face with an adorable Pompeiian fresco titled Eros Punished. It is now part of the Museo Archaeologico Nazionale di Napoli, but back in the 1st century AD, adorned the wall of a triclinium in the House of Love Punished in Pompeii.

The fresco’s narrative unfolds amidst the timeless strokes of fine ancient artistry. Peithò, (Persuasion Personified), leads Eros to his mother Aphrodite, terribly crossed with him, for an impending punishment. Eros used his arrows to kindle Ares’s passion for another woman, and Aphrodite is unwilling to forgive such mischief. Peithò, Persuasion personified, affectionately holds Eros’s hand, who bearing the weight of his misdeed, seems like crying, hesitant to proceed. Aphrodite, seated regally upon a rugged perch, emanates an aura of solemnity. She holds Eros’s bow and cuirass and looks at him sadly, but firmly. Anteros, the younger sibling of Eros, lurks behind her, poised to witness the unfolding consequence with a mixture of anticipation and childish delight. This tableau, frozen in time, capturing the intricate interplay of familial bonds, divine intervention, and the immutable consequences of love’s transgressions, delights me!

Eros Punished (detail), 1st century AD, Fresco, 126×162.3 cm, from the House of Punished Eros in Pompeii, National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy
Eros Punished (detail), 1st century AD, Fresco, 126×162.3 cm, from the House of Punished Eros in Pompeii, National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy

In exploring this scene, I cannot overlook the intriguing presence of God Eros and his younger brother Anteros within the same composition. The relationship between Eros and Anteros, symbolizing the two counterparts of reciprocal love, finds its vivid portrayal in a fanciful myth recounted by the fourth-century rhetorician Themistius. Through Themistius’s narrative, we glimpse into the depths of brotherly affection and the profound consequences it entails…

When Aphrodite gave birth to Eros, the child was beautiful and befitted his mother in any respect but one: he did not grow to a size appropriate to his beauty… The baby’s mother and the Graces, his nurses, did not know what to do when confronted with this situation. They went to Themis… and asked her to find some means by which they might be delivered from their strange and astonishing misfortune. Themis said: “I shall put an end to your predicament. The problem is that you do not yet know the true nature of the baby. Eros, your genuine offspring, may perhaps have been born alone but he cannot grow up in any part of the body: you need Anteros if you want Eros to grow. These brothers will have the same nature; each will be responsible for the other’s growth. For when they see each other, they will both shoot up equally; but if one of them is deprived of the other, they will both shrink in size.” And so Aphrodite conceived Anteros, and Eros immediately had a spurt of growth and sprouted wings and was tall. Since this is Eros’s fortune, he often endures strange transformations, now sprouting up, now shrinking, then growing again. He always needs his brother’s presence. If he sees that his brother is of sizable stature, he is eager to appear bigger himself; but he often shrinks in size, against his own will, once he has discovered that his brother is shrunken and small.

Eros Punished (detail), 1st century AD, Fresco, 126×162.3 cm, from the House of Punished Eros in Pompeii, National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy

For a PowerPoint on Eros and Anteros in Art, please… Check HERE!

Bibliography on Eros and Anteros: Eros and Anteros or Reciprocal Love in Ancient and Renaissance Art by Guy de Tervarent, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 28 (1965), pp. 205-208 p.272  and Grecian and Roman mythology by Dwight, M. A. (Mary Ann), 1806-1858, p. 266 and Anteros: On Friendship Between Rivals and Rivalry Between Friends p. 9 file:///C:/Users/aspil/Downloads/Post_columbia_0054D_11776.pdf